Channel: PHD Mcstuffin
Category: Gaming
Tags: baldinadditionvrchattrolling vrchatfunny moments in vrchatvrchat phdmurder in vrchatvoice trolling vrchatvrchat memesnaddition vrchatvrchat trapbaldi's basics voice trolling vrchatvrchat animevrchat highlightsphd mcstuffin vrchatvrchat phd mcstuffinsbaldi vrchat phd mcstuffinvrchat streamphd mcstuffinbaldi's basics vrchat phd mcstuffinvrchat murderbaldi's basics vrchatvrchat funny momentphd mcstuffin murder
Description: DO NOT trust him. No matter what. Naddition + VRchat do not add well together! Here's why... Check Naddition out because he is my Baldi father! Owo Follow me on Twitter for all the latest insight on my upcoming videos and get to connect with me a little more ^-^ Join the Discord and meet me + some mcstuffers! PLEASE ONLY join if you plan to be active and friendly! No drama please owO Buy my merchandise! It supports me soo much and I would love for you guys to express your love for me and the channel in a creative way! [Coming soon...]